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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Time Flies!! I know that phrase is such a cliche' but it is so very true. It is amazing how long it has been since they've done this.

                                                ...and this

                                              ...and even this...

Don't look at all of those wrinkles...and what's up with those tendons in my neck? I'm not sure what I'm laughing at but it sure did bring out those joy lines or whatever cutesy adjective you want to put there. :)

Just kidding, both of my girls are very affectionate. It may be hard for little Hannah to get used to all of the hugs since that is not a Chinese custom, but with God's grace I'm sure she'll grow into them.

I haven't published a post in a while because I've been processing all that God is doing in my life right now. Mother was admitted into the hospital in Feb. with exasperation of her COPD and emphysema. After a few weeks she was moved to a restorative care facility and then to our local Hospice House. She is now home (at my house). Most days she does quite well. Her pain and breathing problems are under control and she is able to get from her chair to her bed by herself on most days and that is HUGE!

Last week she had a really good week; she got dressed twice (once even by herself!) and she rode with me to pick up the girls at school. She even wanted me to take her out to eat Thursday night, something inside of me said that was probably not a good idea, but what do I know?

Then on Saturday she fell, her blood pressure shot up and her speech was slurred and incoherent. She then went to bed where she stayed until Monday afternoon with a low grade fever. Then she woke up, ate a big supper, watched TV until midnight and has been well ever since. The nurse said that she probably had another TIA or mini-stroke.

Like I said, I've been processing all of this...

I have to confess, this is not the job  I would have chosen; after all, I am qualified to teach a pilates or yoga class with a friend at the homeless shelter and I could help another friend with her parenting class at the same shelter, but that's not what God wants me to do. He told me this (not in an audible voice, but he placed on my heart): Sissy, the things I want you to do now the world may not see (the bathing, the feeding, the middle of the night trips to help her to the bathroom, the breathing treatments, the medication, the teeth brushing, etc.), but you must trust me and know that I will equip you and give you the strength to do it all. I will guide you, and if you come into great need by following my command, I will see to it that you lose nothing by your obedience. You will be tried and tested, but in the hour of your utmost need I will see you and provide for you.

In my bible study a few weeks ago, Beth Moore talked about submitting to God's will. I knew that I needed to humble myself and bow down to His will; but often my pride will prevent me from bowing. The tree that stands tall and straight will not last as long in a wind storm as one that is able to bend, or bow.  

I have learned to ask each morning, "What do you want from me today, Lord?"
Once I learned that, the grumbling went away. It's as if the sun (Son?) came out from behind the clouds and I found myself thanking my creator for this very special job He has given me. It's not glamorous, you won't see my name in the paper, but I am honored that the Lord of the universe thinks that I am worthy enough to take care of my Mother. There will be a day when she is not here and I am going to be so thankful that I had this time to spend with her and to model to my children how to honor your parents. And by the looks of those wrinkles in the photo above they may have to be caring for me sometime soon!  :)

I know that this is all true because He has done it all before. He is the same God who provided a way for Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Josheph and all of His children along the way. I can't help but wonder how this will all play out when Hannah gets here. I think it will be a blessing for her to live in a home with another generation here as well. I think he will do big things with this situation...

