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Monday, September 17, 2012

I will Come

Dear Hannah,

Every bit of our lives are all part of God's big plan.
Your birth and the first, hard years of your life were part of His plan.
And even though I wasn't there to hold you and rock you and dry your tears and soothe your teething gums with Oragel and read Good Night Moon or 
The Rainbow Fish, I promise to be there for you for the next 12 years, 
and the 12 years after that and the decades after that.

I will come.

When you shuffle back downstairs long after you should have been asleep just because you can't sleep, I will come.

When you forget your lunch, when you warm the bench at the volleyball game. When you get the bad haircut. When the girls are mean. When teachers intimidate you...when you intimidate them ;) 

I will come.

When your pirouettes end up in a big heap on the floor and you still have 18 inches to go in your splits. When you don't get invited to that party.

I will always come...

When that boy breaks your heart and you are stranded at college miles away from home. When the car crashes and your texting charges are way too high. When you run out of gas, chocolate chip cookies and faith.

I will be there.

When you say your "I Do's", when you start your happily ever afters. When you don't know how to pick out a mattress. When the sofa that ends up being the wrong color and doesn't work with the paint that didn't turn out like that swatch at Home Depot.

Darling, I will come.

When the baby won't sleep the sink (and countertops) are full of dirty dishes, the doorbell is ringing, the phone is ringing and the dog is barking...I will come.

I will hold you, rock you, sing to you (if you will let me) and, with God's help, I will help you get back on your feet. I will rejoice, I will babysit, I will pass the tissues, I will wash the dishes and fold the clothes.

I will come.
And the day after that.
And after that one.
And then some.

{The format of this post was respectfully borrowed from a blog entitled Tales from a Gypsy Mama...Thank you, Lisa Jo}