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Sunday, June 19, 2011



Today was a wonderful day of firsts.

The first time in the swimming pool (including the first 2 times inhaling chlorinated water!).

The first time in a gift shop (I felt like it was a china shop!)

The first time in a pink polka-dot bikini...and maybe the last...she didn't like it yesterday  :)

The first time eating in a restaurant with white cloth napkins, not a good place to be when we learn that there is actually something she doesn't like to eat   ;)

The first time tasting something that she really thought was was pasta with meat sauce, I knew she didn't like it, but she and the waitress had a conversation about what to order and oops! She ordered the wrong thing...BUT! She ate the broccoli and mushrooms off of everyone else's plate and
 was ok.

It wasn't the first time in a McDonald's, but it was the first time with us in a Mcdonald's.

Today all three girls were in our bed during rest time giggling and playing so I went into the adjoining room and crawled in the twin bed. In just a few minutes, Hannah-Yu Qian came and crawled in with it!!!

Again, this is an awesome experience and I wouldn't trade it for the world...:)

God is so good!

1 comment:

  1. Hello to you all! I have loved following your adventure on your blog. I have prayed for you all and will continue to pray for safe travels and easy adjustments. We look forward to meeting Hannah soon and will plan a time to come to Spartanburg when you are settled. Love to you all!
    Carey and family
