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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Some Things

It's hard to believe it's already been a week since we left home. Although we have enjoyed this beautiful city and awesome food, we do look forward to sleeping in our own beds.

There are some things that the English language cannot describe:

The feeling a mother gets when her new daughter reaches for her hand for the first time.
The sound of her new daughter's belly laugh.
The beauty of her tousled hair as she sleeps...the list goes on.
It seems like she has been with us for a very long time and God knew exactly which child would fit right into this family

She has a great appetite and she has loved everything that has been put in front of her...until last night. We were at a beautiful Italian restaurant and I ordered Spaghetti Bolognese. The look at her face was priceless...Oh well. I guess I won't be cooking that when we get home. But everything else has been a big hit.

She is curious about everything and loves playing games on the computer and iPad.
She won't let a hair bow anywhere near her head.
She loves playing with the Barrel of Monkeys.
She is more organized than I ever thought about being :)

She is loved dearly and we can't wait for you all to meet her.

We'll be home soon!


  1. It is so good to hear from you! I miss our chats :) I love hearing about Hannah and her personality. We got a letter from Mei today - it is adorable! Enjoy your time in China - I can't wait to get back there! XOXO

  2. Sissy, Congrats to you and your entire family! Hannah is such a lovely girl, and she seems to fit into your family perfectly. We'll keep praying for her smooth adjustment to you all and the emotions as she leaves China and heads to her new home in the US.
    Amy B (WCF "auntie")
