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Sunday, June 26, 2011

The local apothacary in Guanzhou...was quite interesting  ;)
They had everything from dried centepeds to dried seahorses to dried??? I'm not sure what it was, but when I asked our guide, she blushed, so I'm not even going there. And there seemed to be mile after mile of the stuff.  The last photo was some sort of dried, filleted lizards. Whew! Now most of you know that I have had a lot of success with natrual remedies, but I prefer going to Whole Foods and asking for magnesium or C Food complete with polyphenols, but this place was above my paygrade! When I looked in one day, something caught my eye...human legs!  About the size of a six year old boy hanging form the ceiling. I caught my breath just as I realized there was a whole up there with a ladder attached and there was loft, I suppose so the children could nap during the day, so Jr was just descending from a snooze...Thank goodness.

The jet lag has almost worn off and I must admit, I don't do those long flights very well. I'm not claustrophobic or anxious but Geez! on the way there  I thought, "This has to be almost over, I'm suffocationg!" When I looked at my watch, we were only 4 hours into a 16 hour flight, that's when I started to pray. Thankfully, it worked... ;)

Hannah-Yu Qian is doing very well. She is very affectionate, very polite and have I already said very strong when she hugs me? She has already learned that showing hugs and kisses shouldn't hurt and that it is important to check on Susu (my mother) several times during the day. Today, we had just come in from the grocery store, she went downstairs and ran back up spewing Cantonese so fast I couldn't understand a word (not that I could before either ). What I did understand was the word Susu and her frantic expression as she grabbed my hand and lead me downstairs. Mother had fallen and was still in the floor, but was not hurt. Little Hannah has grown to love Mother and it is such a sweet thing to watch.

The Chinese custom of respect and reverence for elders is something she has learned very well, or maybe it's just in the gene pool. But we have to be careful, the other day I stuck my tongue out at her with pure affection and guess what? It stuck with her! Now she thinks that's what we're supposed to do when we look at each other with total love in our to do.

And I've learned a new Chinese phrase..."Gotcha Gotcha boom-de-aye" (along with some very descriptive charade gestures) means, "Cucumbers make me throw up"

So the journey goes on...

You are loved...

Gotcha Gotcha Boom De aye!!

Ta Ta for Now (Winnie the Pooh)

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