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Friday, June 10, 2011

Hey y'all. It's an Adventure!

We just wanted to let you know that we are finally in our hotel, 38 hours of travel time later! We got to Hong Kong too late to get transportation to Guangzhou so we spent the night in the airport. We left there this morning around 7:30 with a driver who must have been related to Mario Andretti. It was supposed to take 3 hours to get here, it took 2 hours and 15, minutes and that included getting lost!

The rooms are nice with all of our western amenities and the girl's room is connected to ours.

We are going out now to get lunch and let our co-ordinator person show us around. We have seen many American families with sweet little Chinese children and it just makes my heart ache...but it won't be long now!

Please continue to pray for us and say a little prayer for Hannah as she celebrates her 12th birthday today with her friends and it may be her first actual birthday party.

We love you!!

Paul, Sissy and the girls

1 comment:

  1. Oh Sissy.... I am so excited for all of you... what an adventure God has put you all on... Will be praying for a safe trip. Love ya all lots... Michelle
